In case you’ve ordered a hosting package and you’ve got certain enquiries related to a particular feature/function, or in case you’ve confronted some predicament and you need support, you should be able to touch base with the respective client care staff. All hosting providers use a ticketing system irrespective of whether they provide other means of contacting them along with it or not, due to the fact that the fastest way to resolve a problem most often is to post a ticket. This communication method renders the replies exchanged by both parties easy to track and allows the customer care staff members to escalate the situation in case, for instance, a sysadmin must become involved. Typically, the ticketing system isn’t directly linked to the hosting space and is part of the billing account, which implies that you will need to have at least two different accounts to contact the help desk support staff and to actually administer the hosting space. Incessantly switching between different accounts may often be a headache, not to mention the fact that it requires a long period of time for most web hosting providers to reply to ticket requests.

Integrated Ticketing System in Cloud Hosting

With a cloud hosting from our company, you’ll never need to leave your account. Our ticketing system is built into the Hepsia Control Panel, which is used to manage your entire web presence. You can quickly access any support ticket while browsing through your files or configuring various settings. The ticketing system is being closely monitored 24/7 by our client support team representatives and the response time is no more than 1 hour, but it seldom takes more than 20 minutes to receive assistance. Unlike some companies, we don’t charge more for using the ticketing system, so you can touch base with us as often as you need and ask for info concerning any billing or technical problem. Plus, you can read a selection of informational articles, which will help you handle the commonest obstacles yourself.

Integrated Ticketing System in Semi-dedicated Servers

The Hepsia Control Panel, which comes with all our semi-dedicated servers, was designed with one objective in mind – that you should be able to manage everything connected to your account from one single location and the trouble tickets aren’t an exception. Our ticketing system is integrated into the Hepsia Control Panel, so, in case you’ve got a query or encounter a predicament, you can touch base with our help desk team members on the spur of the moment without having to log into some other system. You can look through your web files or check different settings in your account whilst submitting a new ticket or reading the answer to an old one. If you’ve got an enormous number of tickets and you wish to track down a given one, you can use the smart search functionality, which is available in the Help section. We guarantee that you’ll obtain an answer in no more than an hour irrespective of the nature of your enquiry or problem.