File Transfer Protocol (FTP), is the most popular means for transmitting web files to a web hosting account. Using an FTP client application that is pre-installed on your desktop or laptop computer, you can connect to your web hosting server and copy all the web files that you want with several clicks of the mouse. You can do this using an easy-to-use GUI and it is as simple as dragging & dropping the aforementioned files. The advantage of using File Transfer Protocol is that you can set up several FTP accounts, each one with a different level of access to your online storage space, so if you wish to grant someone access, for instance – a designer, they’ll be able to access only a specific directory and will not be able to access the remaining web content or any other information, including private details. Three things are obligatory to be able to establish an FTP connection – a hostname, which is usually an IP or a domain, a user name and a password.

FTP Accounts in Cloud Hosting

Any of the cloud hosting plans that we offer will allow you to create an unlimited number of FTP accounts, so you will be able to manage the content of your websites separately or to give other people access to any site in your website hosting account. In case you’ve got a web design program installed on your PC, you’ll be able to manage multiple Internet sites simultaneously and to update them without a hitch. If you give the login details to another individual to do a certain task, you will be able to change the password for that FTP account or to remove it completely with just a few clicks and prevent any chance of unauthorized access to your content from then on. For your convenience, all FTP accounts that you create will be shown in alphabetical order in the corresponding section of your Hepsia Control Panel.

FTP Accounts in Semi-dedicated Servers

When you host your websites under a semi-dedicated server account, you will be able to create a separate FTP account for each one of them, since we haven’t put a restriction on this feature with any of our semi-dedicated plans. You can do this via the FTP section of our intuitive Hepsia Control Panel where you can also see the complete list of all the FTP accounts that you’ve created, along with the folder that each one of them can access. If necessary, you’ll be able to update the password for a certain account or to modify its access path with several clicks of the mouse. You can also remove an account without effort in case you do not need it anymore – for example, if you’ve hired a web developer who’s done with the website and you don’t want them to be able to access your web files any longer. For the sake of convenience, we have prepared a number of educational videos, which will help you manage your FTP accounts without effort if you’ve never used a web hosting package before.

FTP Accounts in VPS Servers

None of the VPS servers offered by our company has any limit on the maximum number of FTP accounts that you can have at any moment, so you can create a separate account for each Internet site hosted on your machine, regardless of whether it’s under a domain or subdomain. Also, it doesn’t matter which Control Panel you’ll choose when you sign up – DirectAdmin, Hepsia or cPanel, since an FTP server will be set up on the VPS during the configuration of any of them. If you want a number of users to be able to access the exact same folder with their own set of login details, for example, it’ll take several clicks to set up a different FTP account for each of them. Removing an existing account or changing the folder that it can access is just as simple and you won’t need to deal with any predicament, even if you do not have any past experience in such matters.